Learning Evaluation Group
At Manor, LEGs play a vital role in the life of our school. Year 6 children, who are interested in improving all aspects of learning at Manor School, are in the process of applying for this important role.
Once a term on a Friday, LEGs interview children from across the school, recording their views on a range of subjects linked to our School Improvement Plan. This information is fed back to our leadership team, class teachers and other relevant members of staff.
Integral to this process is listening to and collating the children’s views. These are acted on by the relevant member of staff in a variety of ways, depending on the children’s responses. The impact of LEGs on the development of Manor School is shared regularly with pupils in Assembly, PSHE lessons and School Council. Our children know they can make a difference.
LEGs is one of the ways pupils at Manor are encouraged to have a meaningful impact on their learning, as well as their school experience as a whole. Our pupils value this opportunity and understand the importance of pupil voice in the journey of our school, to being the best that it can be.