Our Curriculum
At Manor Primary School we believe in providing learning opportunities and challenge for all, in a caring, happy, supportive environment with children at the heart of everything we do.
For further information about the curriculum, please browse this section of the website.
Curriculum Intention
Our school curriculum at Manor Primary School is underpinned by the values that we hold dear: respect, perseverance, responsibility, creativity and curiosity. This supports our school vision "Everyone matters, everyone helps and everyone succeeds."
Our inclusive curriculum is the means by which the school achieves its objective of educating children in the knowledge, skills and understanding that they need in order to lead fulfilling lives and make their world a better place . At Manor Primary School we believe that our curriculum should be broad, balanced and relevant, meet the needs of all children whatever their ability and help to develop the whole child, academically, spiritually, morally, socially, culturally, creatively, intellectually and physically. The taught curriculum is comprised of The National Curriculum, the wider school curriculum and careers education. We ensure the children have a range of learning experiences that support, challenge, stimulate and promote thinking and learning through an enquiry lead approach. The curriculum meets statutory national requirements.
Curriculum Implementation
The curriculum is planned and sequenced effectively, providing continuity and progression. It promotes an enjoyment of learning and a commitment to learning and achieving. Termly or half termly themes are linked to key areas of learning within the National Curriculum. Cross curricular links may be made but not if these compromise the integrity of the subject knowledge and skills the children should be learning for this stage in their development.
Science may be linked with the theme in some circumstances but not in others.
Through the provision of rich and varied learning, an integrated English curriculum, mastery mathematics, careers education and enquiry led Learning Journeys enable us to;
support the children in positively regulating their emotions and behaviours
To develop their emotional intelligence and sense of self, whilst at the same time learning how to respect others
ensure that children have a good start to phonics acquisition and early reading and writing
develop fluency and reasoning in maths including resilience and determination for problem solving
encourage the best possible progress and the highest attainment for all children including socially, academically, physically, emotionally;
enable children to make connections across different areas of learning;
help children to work creatively, think critically, speak confidently and collaborate to solve problems;
develop children’s capacity to learn and work independently and in teams;
enable children to respond positively to opportunities, challenge and responsibility;
enable children to acquire and develop a broad knowledge and understanding of their community and the needs of the global community.
British values
At Manor, our values closely align with fundamental British values and through these our children will become productive citizens of modern Britain. These values are threaded throughout school life and evident in pupils’ behaviour in all areas.
Our curriculum is progressive, builds skills sequentially over each year and gradually develops children’s understanding of concepts and vocabulary. Please see progression maps for further information.
For more information about the curriculum taught, please click on the subject tabs below
The National Curriculum provides the framework for the school. We have a curriculum map for each Key Stage that describes the curriculum for each year group. This is supported by schemes of work which inform teachers' medium and short term planning. The framework for planning children's learning in Foundation Stage comes from the Early Years Foundation Framework and the National Curriculum. In Key Stage 1 and 2, the curriculum consists of three core subjects English, Maths and Science as well as a core skill, Computing, six foundation subjects and Religious Education.