Design and Technology


Design and technology at Manor is an inspiring, practical subject. Using creativity, skills and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and purposeful problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. Children at Manor will experience a wide range of different elements of design and technology, including food technology, structures, textiles, mechanisms and C.A.D. Links are made to other areas of the curriculum where appropriate.


At Manor, the teaching of design and technology is purposeful, combining an understanding of the evaluation of existing products as a basis to solve problems and plan for the future. Each year group focuses on three areas of design and technology throughout the year, where children spend time working on either individual or collaborative projects. The planning for this subject is supported by a subscription to the DT Association. Children develop both their knowledge and skills in the subject through combining the creative and practical elements


Children at Manor develop a critical understanding of design and technology’s benefit and relevance to the wider world. Children acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. Pupils learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. High-quality design and technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation.

Progression of Skills

Design Technology in EYFS

  • To express ideas in full sentences

  • To follow instructions involving several ideas

  • Be confident to try new activities and show independence, resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge

  • Develop ability to draw accurately

  • Safely use and explore a range of materials and tools

  • Share creations explaining the process they have used

Design Technology in Year 1


  • Generate ideas and simple design criteria

  • Develop and communicate ideas

  • Select a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks

  • Evaluate their products


  • Design functional and appealing products for a chosen user or purpose

  • Generate, develop and communicate ideas

  • Use a range of textiles, tools and equipment to perform practical tasks

  • Explore and evaluate existing textile products, as well as their own ideas and products

  • Understand how 3D textile products are made using joining, templates and finishing to create two identical shapes


  • Investigate fruit and vegetables

  • Generate ideas, communicating through talk and drawings

  • Prepare some soft fruit and vegetables using appropriate utensils (See age appropriate list)

  • Taste and evaluate users preference

  • Understand where ingredients come from and the basis of a varied healthy diet

Design Technology in Year 2


  • Generate, model and communicate ideas

  • Plan, make, select tools and use finishing techniques

  • Explore books and products

  • Evaluate their own product against criteria

  • Explore sliders and levers

  • To understand different types of movement

  • Use technical vocabulary


  • Generate design ideas

  • Develop ideas using drawing, modelling and explanations

  • To plan, make, use and select tools

  • Explore new and recycled materials and different finishing techniques

  • Explore existing and freestanding structures

  • Evaluate their own products against criteria

  • To know about strengthening structures


  • Design appealing products for a user

  • Generate a range of ideas communicating through talk and drawings

  • Prepare a range of fruit and vegetables using a range of age appropriate utensils

  • Evaluate ideas against original criteria

  • Understand having a healthy and varied diet

  • Show an awareness of food safety

Design Technology in Year 3


  • Generate realistic ideas using annotated sketches and prototypes to develop, model and communicate ideas

  • Select and use tools with some accuracy to cut, shape and join paper and card

  • Investigate and analyse their own and others’ products with lever and linkage mechanisms

  • Understand and use levers, linkages and fixed and loose pivots


  • Generate design criteria for an appealing, functional product for specific users

  • Produce annotated sketches, prototypes, final product sketches and pattern pieces

  • Select fabrics and fastenings according to their functional characteristics

  • Investigate a range of 3D textile products

  • Test their product against the original criteria and with the intended user


  • Generate ideas for an appealing product for a user and a purpose

  • Plan the main stages of a recipe, thinking about the ingredients, utensils and equipment

  • Select from a range of ingredients to make appropriate food products

  • Carry out evaluations of a variety of ingredients and products

  • Know a range of appropriate ingredients and whether they are grown, reared or caught

Design Technology in Year 4


  • Generate and develop realistic ideas through design criteria collaboratively and through analysis of existing products

  • Order the stages of making, selecting tools and using some with accuracy

  • Investigate and evaluate shell structures

  • Construct strong stiff shell structures

  • Test and evaluate own products against design criteria and intended user and purpose

  • Use CAD to model and communicate ideas

Electrical Systems

  • Use annotated sketches, cross sectional and exploded diagrams to develop and communicate ideas

  • Select and use tools with some accuracy to cut, shape, join and finish

  • Use construction materials and electrical components according to their functional properties and aesthetic qualities

  • Understand and use electrical systems in their products, such as series circuits incorporating switches, bulbs and buzzers


  • Generate ideas and develop design criteria for an appealing product for a user and a purpose

  • Plan the main stages of a recipe, listing ingredients, utensils and equipment

  • Select from a broad range of ingredients to make appropriate food products

  • Carry out and record evaluations of a variety of ingredients and products

  • Have an understanding of food hygiene and safety

Design Technology in Year 5


  • Generate realistic ideas using annotated sketches and prototypes to develop, model and communicate ideas

  • Select and use tools with some accuracy to cut and join materials and components such as tubing, syringes and balloons

  • Investigate and find information on products with pneumatic mechanisms and evaluate their own products and ideas against criteria and user needs

  • Understand and use pneumatic mechanisms


  • Research user needs and existing products

  • Develop and model innovative ideas into a design specification

  • Formulate a plan with a step-by-step list of tasks and resources

  • Use tools to accurately measure, mark out, cut, shape and join materials to make frameworks

  • Use finishing techniques suitable for the product

  • Critically evaluate their product against a range of criteria

  • Research key events and individuals relevant to frame structures


  • Generate and explore innovative ideas through research and discussion

  • Write a step-by-step recipe, including a list of ingredients, equipment and utensils

  • Use age appropriate utensils and equipment accurately

  • Make and present a food product for the intended user and purpose

  • Evaluate relevant products and the final product with reference to the design brief and specification

  • Understand seasonality and the source of different food products

Design Technology in Year 6


  • Generate innovative ideas through research

  • Develop ideas using mock ups and prototypes including using CAD

  • Design functional, appealing products for the intended user that are fit for purpose, based on a simple design specification

  • Select and use a range of tools and equipment including CAD to make products that are accurately assembled and well finished

  • Work within the constraints of time, resources and cost

Electrical Systems

  • Develop a design specification for a product that responds automatically to environmental changes in the environment

  • Generate and communicate ideas through annotated sketches and representations of electrical circuits or circuit diagrams

  • Use a step-by-step plan to select and accurately assemble materials and electrical components to produce a functional product

  • Create and modify a computer control program to enable their electrical product to respond to changes in the environment


  • Generate and explore a range of innovative ideas through research and discussion

  • Use a range of age appropriate utensils accurately

  • Make, decorate and present a food product for the intended user and purpose

  • Evaluate a range of relevant products and the final product with reference to the design brief and specification

  • Have a secure understanding of food health and safety