British Values
The Fundamental Values are:
The rule of law
Individual liberty
Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
What do these mean at Manor?
We listen to everyone's views.
We debate arguments for and against.
We all get involved.
We express our views in a positive and supportive way.
We vote and respect the majority.
LEARNING EVALUATION GROUP (LEGS) - listen to children's view of the curriculum.
School Council - weekly views gathered from classes.
Debating Club - Debates integrated into our curriculum e.g. persuasion
Talk / Learning partners
Children involved in our decision making, e.g. which charities do we support, how do we plan our curriculum?
Rule of Law
We make sure that our rules and expectations are clear to all children and adults.
We teach the difference between right and wrong. We focus on good choices and bad choices.
We know that the rules keep us safe.
We respect the rules.
We understand that there will be consequences when bad choices are made.
Individual Liberty
We take responsibility for our own behaviour including our learning behaviour.
We challenge inequalities and labelling others.
We have zero tolerance of bullying.
We promote self-esteem and self-confidence.
Respect and Tolerance
We promote all values including respect.
We have respect for our own and others' cultures.
We discuss differences in faith, ethnicity, disability, gender and families.