

Here at Manor, from Foundation Stage through to Year 6, we believe that all children can succeed in maths, and we provide children with the opportunity to become fluent mathematicians, able to recall number facts, to reason effectively and to solve problems. This will provide a strong foundation for future maths and science learning, as well as equipping children for mathematical tasks in everyday life and work. We aim to provide children with enjoyment in their learning, promoting and developing their resilience, independence and ability to think flexibly, and encouraging a willingness to embrace challenge and to learn from mistakes.


At Manor, we use a mastery approach to maths using materials from both White Rose Maths and the NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics).  We provide all children opportunities to understand mathematical thinking and ideas through learning that has been broken down into carefully sequenced small steps.  From Foundation Stage upwards we encourage children to use concrete manipulatives (such as counters, Numicon and Dienes) and visual representations (such as bar models and part whole models) to understand mathematical concepts.  The children will then move onto abstract representations (using mathematical symbols such as +, -, =, x, ÷, < and >).  Mathematical fluency underpins all learning in maths, and so children receive regular opportunities to develop their fluency through fun games, activities and subscription-based websites such as Times Table Rockstars, Doodle Maths and Mathsframe.


At Manor we support children to become fluent mathematicians who enjoy their maths, making connections between different areas of their mathematical understanding and thinking flexibly. They are able to apply their understanding in order to reason and to solve problems effectively.

Calling all parents and carers…..

We welcome your help and support with turning your children into confident mathematicians. The way maths is taught (including the way mathematical ideas are represented) may have changed since you were at school. Here at Manor, we subscribe to White Rose Maths, and they have produced a series of parent videos designed to help parents and carers to understand these representations and approaches. By following the link (below) you can also access a downloadable and printable guide, which provides printed representations and suggested activities you can do to help your child.

Subscription sites

We also subscribe to a number of other online sites which your child can use to help build their confidence and fluency.

Year 4-6: Doodlemaths (Your child will have their own login.)

Year 3-6: TT Rockstars (Your child will have their own login.) (Year 2 can join in the summer term)

Mathsframe: all children can access this using the whole school login and password, which their teacher will give them.

Additional sites for games and practice (no login required)

Numberblocks:  (programmes available on BBC iplayer – TV licence required)

Funky Mummy game:

Karate Cat maths:  


Thank you for your support.

Jo Feist and Ellen Hardcastle, Maths Leads.