
See below for information about our Governors.  Please scroll down to the end for any associated documents.  Thank you.  Our Chair of Governors is Mrs Kim Savage who can be contacted via Manor Primary School, Downsview Crescent, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 1UB.  Email:



Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to Manor Primary School.  We thought it might be useful if you had a list of the current members of the Governing Body and that you had an idea of the work that the Governors carry out during the course of the school year.

Our current Governors are as follows (Term of Office):                                

Kim Savage, Chair, Co-opted Governor (23/04/21 - 22/04/25) - Appointed by GB

Paul Page-Mitchell, Vice Chair, Local Authority Governor (21/10/21  - 20/10/25) - Appointed by County  

Annette Hill, Headteacher (01/09/22 - 31/08/26) - Appointed by GB 

Nicola Bennett, Co-Opted Governor  (05/10/23- 04/10/27) - Appointed by GB 

Kaye Blaney, Co-opted Governor  (29/09/22 - 28/09-26) - Appointed by GB 

Jo Feist, Staff Governor (23/04/21 - 22/04/25) - Appointed by GB 

Russell Southgate, Chair of Premises Co-opted Governor (23/04/21 - 22/04/25) - Appointed by GB 

Steve Primrose , Co-opted Governor (29/03/2023 - 28/03/2027) - Appointed by GB 

Steve Jenkins, Co-opted Governor (29/03/2023 - 28/03/2027) - Appointed by GB 

Daniel Eagle, Co-opted Governor (28/03/2024 - 27/03/2028) - Appointed by GB 

Louise Lander, Co-opted Governor (18/09/2024 - 17/09/28) - Appointed by GB 

Finance and Personnel Committee

Paul Page-Mitchell, Chair

Kaye Blaney

Jo Feist

Kim Savage

Russell Southgate

Ruth Western (Business Manager) (associate member – no voting rights)

Premises  / Health & Safety Committee

Russell Southgate, Chair

Nicola Bennett

Kaye Blaney

Paul Page-Mitchell

Jon Daly (Premises Manager) (associate member - no voting rights)

Kim Savage

Ruth Western (Business Manager) (associate member – no voting rights)

Pupil Disciplinary Committee

Kim Savage 

Nicola Bennett 

Russell Southgate 

Appeals Panel 

Paul Page-Mitchell

Kaye Blaney 

Link and Lead Governor Roles and Special Responsibilities:


Kim Savage - Allegations against Leadership Team

                    - Inclusion and Safeguarding (including Child Protection)

                    - SEND

                    - Pupil Premium 

Paul Page-Mitchell - Finance

Jo Feist -  Foundation Stage

Russell Southgate – Health and Safety

Nicola Bennett – Parent Partnership

                                    - Health and Wellbeing

Kaye Blaney – Teaching and Learning

Ruth Western (Associate Member) - Information Link

Jade Selsby (Clerk) - Governor Training

The Chair of Governors (Kim Savage) sits on the Uckfield Group of Schools Strategic Board, The Teaching Alliance Schools Strategic Board and the Chair (Kim Savage) and Vice Chair (Paul Page-Mitchell) sit on the Governors Support Group for both the Uckfield Group of Schools and The Teaching Schools Alliance Group. The Governors of Manor are fully committed to working with their colleagues across the school alliances to further the development of skills across all the Governing Bodies to benefit the children of Uckfield.

The term of office for governors is four years for all categories.

The Governors are drawn from all sections of stakeholders in the school and are an entirely voluntary body.

Our roles are many and varied and include:

·        Holding the leadership of the school to account

·        Monitoring the school improvement plan

·        Acting as strategic partners

·        Responsible for child safety and Safeguarding

·        Responsible for Health and Safety

·        Financial responsibility for the school budget, including self-auditing the budget and submitting audit to the County

·        Monitoring the progress and attainment of pupils, including assessing data

·        Performance management of the Head teacher

·        Recruitment and appointment of staff

·        Accountable to OFSTED

·        Working in partnership with other Uckfield Schools and Governing Bodies

Throughout this academic year, Governors attend training courses run by East Sussex County Council to ensure that their knowledge and skills are kept up to date.

Governor training is as follows:

We hold at least 13 meetings a year and support the school at fundraising functions.

Governors are always available to talk to at Parent Consultation Evenings – we provide tea and coffee in the hall, so do come along and chat to us. 

If you should wish to contact us at any time, you are very welcome to do so via Jade Selsby, Clerk to Governors c/o Manor Primary School, Downsview Crescent, Uckfield, East Sussex or email


The Governors of the school take the Safeguarding of your children very seriously. Through the work of the Governing Body they make sure the school complies with the latest legislation. The Chair of Governors is the named Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding and Child Protection.

Over the course of the last year Governors have completed training in Safeguarding, Prevent training, Child Protection, Safer Recruitment Training and esafety training.

Our Premises Committee Chair completes a termly walkabout to ensure that the Premises is safe and any issues are brought to the attention of the Premises Committee and School Business Manager.

The Chair of Governors completes a termly Safeguarding walkabout with the Head Teacher.

Full employment checks are made not only for staff, but for volunteers and Governors too.

Copies of all the Safeguarding policies that the Governing Body have approved are available on the school web site.

Register of Business Interests: 

dec of interests 2020.docx