Welcome to the Deaf Support Facility

Building Self Esteem, Supporting Learning, Fostering Independence

A key feature of the school is the Deaf Support Facility, a highly successful provision for severely and profoundly deaf children. Manor is one of only two primary schools within East Sussex County Council that has this provision. The Facility is part of the East Sussex Sensory Needs Service. 

We have five members of staff who bring a wealth of skills and knowledge and enable all pupils regardless of their hearing needs to access specialist support and be included within all areas of school life.  Staff are trained to check hearing aids, cochlear implants and radio aids which are used where beneficial to ensure pupils have full access to their education. We liaise with parents, nurseries and secondary providers to ease the transition process. 

The Deaf Support Facility has a Teacher of the Deaf and his Hearing Dog and a team of 4 specialist TA's 

The Deaf Support Facility has a Teacher of the Deaf and his Hearing Dog and a team of 4 specialist TA's 

The Facility uses a Total Communication approach that encompasses oralism, lip reading, Sign Supported English (SSE) and British Sign Language (BSL). We also work closely with other agencies including Speech and Language Therapists (SALT) and Audiologists to make sure pupils are fully supported in all areas. 

Working in the classroom, in a small group or individually within the quiet environment of the DSF, we focus on what support is appropriate for your child to access the curriculum successfully. This includes help with speech and language, literacy, numeracy and developing friendships. 

We are proud to be part of a school that offers equal opportunities to all its pupils, fostering a positive attitude and an awareness of deafness and deaf issues. This ethos enriches the lives of everyone in the school and values every child. 

Please get in touch if you would like to know more and arrange a visit. 

Email: smurray@manor.e-sussex.sch.uk

Telephone: 01825 760 524