Art & Design


Art and design allows us to be creative and critical thinkers, encouraging us to ask questions. It is a reflection on the society that we live in and unlike any other subject it requires us to think about who we are and how we are all different. This allows our children to explore their own ideas, identity and in turn acknowledge that their voice is valid and meaningful. At Manor we foster this way of thinking by offering experiences that are exciting, stimulating, varied and enriching. Art links with many other subjects and at Manor we make purposeful links to ensure that our children experience the very best of what art has to offer.


At Manor we have developed a progression of skills that are taught and built upon as our children move through Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and 2. In every year group the skills of drawing, painting and printing are taught. These skills develop observation, recording, imagination, exploring different media and finally helping our children to make informed decisions. In years 1, 2 and 5 the children learn about textiles and collage whilst in years 3, 4 and 6 they work in 3D. Children experiment with different media, plan, design and construct. Throughout the year a range of diverse artists, architects and craftspeople are introduced. Children are encouraged to reflect and personally respond to the work of others. Sketchbooks are used in year 2 through to year 6 where children record, explore techniques, plan and refine ideas.


Children at Manor have a broad and balanced experience of art and design. The skills that are taught allow for our children to learn, revisit and embed new learning. Each term our children will experience either art and design or design and technology and this will either link or lead their learning journey for that term. Our children will leave Manor having had experiences in a range of different art forms, have knowledge of different artists, architects and crafts people and most importantly have the confidence to express themselves.