At Manor Primary School, we want our children to understand the importance of keeping themselves active and healthy in order to support them as they develop throughout their school life. We aim to give opportunities for all children to participate, enjoy and succeed, which will be continued into adulthood as part of a healthy lifestyle. We recognise the importance of embedding this as society’s attitudes to being active and healthy are adapting to the fast paced society that they will grow up in.
We understand that PE should be accessible to all children and allow them to develop core skills term by term and year by year. Our aim is to encourage a ‘growth mindset’ amongst our pupils. We want them to strive for excellence and make the most of their sporting abilities.
Every child has different strengths and weakness and we address these by offering a wide variety of sporting activities to suit individual needs and interests. We are fortunate to have embedded excellent links within our local community which allows us to provide a greater range of sport, external coaching and competitions. These are further supported by the provision of extra-curricular activities. It is vital that these opportunities allow children to understand the importance of winning and losing, showing correct sportsmanship and how to demonstrate respectful conduct and fair play.
We believe that by continuously embedding this attitude to keeping active and healthy, we will prepare our children for a happy and healthy life beyond Manor.
At Manor, we follow a successful scheme of work from PE Planning. This provides us with high quality planning and resources based upon the National Curriculum. It enables teachers to deliver PE lessons at an excellent standard, whilst ensuring a clear progression of skills and knowledge in the subject. Children begin by learning key sporting skills and physical development in Early Years and Key Stage 1. In Key Stage 2, children then move onto learning and taking part in specific sports.
Following the progression of skills outlined in PE Planning allows us to create an annual overview for the whole school. Each term each year group will focus on a specific area and have the opportunities to develop the relevant skills. These are developed further by providing extra-curricular activities including a range of clubs and intra-school tournaments.
Through the use of PE Planning we are able to ensure that children are participating in a wide variety of sports. We are confident that children are learning key skills through high quality teaching and are able to develop those skills year upon year. It is evident that children are applying those skills within the clubs and tournaments. Termly evaluations help us to monitor the impact of each sport. All children are able to participate in the statutory 2 hours a week of PE and the active 60 minutes per day. This all contributes to our intent of developing children who understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle and who are able to apply this in and out of school.